sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2010

Sometimes we dream too much, waiting for a soulmate, a perfect kiss or the ideal marriage. Maybe none of these exist. When talking of relationships there is no such thing as the right one, or the wrong one, whatsoever. Relationships are intense or blunt, true or fake, forever or for a moment. A soulmate? Is there really a person whose destiny belongs to another? A soulmate is built, not estabilished. I'm sure God or perhaps, Aphrodite has no file with all soulmates' names. Maybe they can twist and turn our destiny and make us meet our (possible) soulmate, but we are the ones to make our souls really connect. That's the time Newton or Einstein are part of the story. Yes. There may be some kind of law or theorem explaining the magic connection that happens when two meant-to-be eyes meet. There must be an explanation for when our knees tremble non-stopping, our mouth dries up and our heart pounds extremely fast. If there is no explanation for any of this, then it doesn't exist. Why kid ourselves? Is there really this so famous "love at first sight"? Love is born with time, patience and maturity. Love is not magic, love is work. Sometimes we dream too much, waiting for a soulmate, a perfect kiss or the ideal marriage. Sometimes we work hard enough and our dream comes true.

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